Anisee Hysop seeds


A supremely wonderful butterfly, bee and hummingbird plant. Spikes of fragrant, lavender coloured flowers are edible and ornamental. Try them fresh in fruit salad or dry them with the leaves for a minty-licorice flavoured herb tea. Easy to grow branching plants will reach one metre or more and flower from mid- summer through fall. Thrives in full sun in well-drained soil and will self-seed freely. Deer resistant for those of you with gardens next to the bush.

Agastache foeniculum

Hardiness zone: 4-9

Life Cycle: Perennial

Hawthorn Farm Organic seeds. Growers of organic heirloom and organic farm selected seeds. Open- Pollinated & Non-GMO seeds for the home and market gardener nationwide

Family owned farm

Friendly service

Certified Organic by Pro-Cert

5 in stock