Zuckertraube Tomato Seeds
Translating to "sugar grape" this slightly-larger-than-a-cherry tomato yields magnificently on strapping, dense trusses. Easy to pick red fruits fill container after container if one exercises restraint to not simply enjoy these gems straight from the vine. Best of luck transporting these tomatoes from the garden to the kitchen without devouring them. Luckily the plants produce so abundantly that you may have a few left to share! Seeds by way of The Seeds Ambassadors Project. Indeterminate
Solanum lycopersicum
Approx 50 seeds. 60 days.
Hawthorn Farm Organic seeds. Growers of organic heirloom and organic farm selected seeds. Open- Pollinated & Non-GMO seeds for the home and market gardener nationwide
Family owned farm
Friendly service
Certified Organic by Pro-Cert